Friday, 25 April 2014

Which of the following characters of
Webster’s The White Devil utters the
memorable words :
Oft gay and honour’d robes those
tortures try :
We think cag’d birds sing, when
indeed they cry.
(A) Vittoria Corombona
(B) Bracciano
(C) The Cardinal
(D) Flamineo
Ans:(D) Flamineo
Act 5 scene 4 in  The White Devil
FLAMINEO. I have a strange thing in me, to th' which
 I cannot give a name, without it be
 Compassion; I pray leave me.       [Exit FRANCISCO.]
 This night I'll know the utmost of my fate;
 I'll be resolv'd what my rich sister means              
 T' assign me for my service. I have liv'd
 Riotously ill, like some that live in court,
 And sometimes, when my face was full of smiles,
 Have felt the maze of conscience in my breast.
 Oft gay and honour'd robes those tortures try:              
 We think cag'd birds sing, when indeed they cry.

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